
We are specialised in the construction of the concrete based industrial floors.

Such floors have a broad range of application and can be found everywhere; in the business domain within the production facilities, warehouses, retail stores, in the private domain as garage and cellar floors and in sports and other recreational facilities.

They are very economical and practical, and those represent the major reasons why, primarily so many businesses decide for this type of floor for their working facilities.

We offer two types of services

  • construction of a concrete industrial floors with dry shake finish
  • construction of a concrete floors which serve as a base for ceramic tile floors or floors with special coating such as epoxy resin

Viewed from the perspective of our services, the construction of a concrete based industrial floor involves four stages. In the first stage, concrete is being installed and leveled with the professional leveling machine with the screed laser system in order to achieve high and continual levelness throughout the entire floor surface. Using this machine provides many benefits over the classical manual leveling with hand tools.

In the second stage dry shake, mineral based material is being applied on the concrete floor surface. Dry shake material represents the component which makes a concrete floor suitable for industrial application. Dry shake material improves mechanical properties of the floor; gives it a high abrasion resistance, high compression strength, improves a load-bearing capacity, makes a surface of a floor non-porous, prevents surface dusting, improves floors oils and salt resistance, improves floors freezing resistance, eliminates slipperiness of the floor.

In the third stage the floor is being power-finished with the professional machines, power trowels, popularly called ‘’helicopters’’. We use two types of power trowels; ride on and walk behind. This machines speed up the process of floor construction, make the floors, primarily large surface floors, much easier to finish and make the finish more consistent.


In the fourth stage the floor is sawn with a professional cutting machine in order to form the joints which are needed to relieve tensile stresses induced by drying shrinkage or temperature changes in the concrete industrial floor.

In addition to constructing concrete industrial floors we offer a service of constructing concrete floors which serve as a base for ceramic tile floors or floors which are being coated with coatings based on epoxy resin, polyurethane, acryl, methyl, polyester and others depending on the purpose of the floor in question. Constructing this type of floor goes in three stages. In the first stage, concrete is being installed and leveled with the professional leveling machine with the screed laser system. . In the second stage the floor is being power-finished with power trowels. In the third stage the floor is sawn with a professional cutting machine in order to form the necessary joints.